lit.COLOGNE ON.air 2021
WECAP did: multiple-camera live recording with remote speakers (15 episodes), live streaming (6 episodes), broadcast directing
With up to 200 events and its own programme for children (lit.kid.COLOGNE), lit.COLOGNE is one of the largest literature festivals in Europe. In 2021, due to Corona, the international festival took place for the first time purely digitally as “lit.COLOGNE ON.air”. 50 events could be seen online via livestream or as a remote event. Guests were, among others:
– Isabel Allende: The author, journalist and women’s rights activist spoke about her memoir “The Soul of a Woman”. Moderation: Louis Klamroth
– Maye Musk: Model, nutritionist, self-made woman Musk presented her autobiography “A Woman Makes A Plan”. Moderation: Marie-Christine Knop
– T.C. Boyle: The American bestselling author presented his new publication “Talk to Me”. Moderation: Philipp Schwenke
The first digital edition of the lit.COLOGNE came to an end with 4,000 festival passes sold, 9,000 individual tickets and 57,000 individual downloads. Among the “top sellers” in the adult programme was the remote event with T.C. Boyle (4,000 individual views).